Indian Navy Entrance Test for Officers Entry

Indian Navy introduces Indian Navy Entrance Test for Officers Entry – Indian Navy has introduced a new computer-based Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET) for the selection of Direct Entry Officers after graduation twice in a year.


INET (Officers) will be used for screening for Permanent Commission and Short Service Commission Officer candidates for all graduate entries along with the University Entry Scheme (UES), Combined Defence Services (CDS), Naval Academy exam and National Defence Academy


The first INET (Officers) will be conducted in September 2019 in various centres across the country.


INET (Officers) will have four sections

  • English,
  • Reasoning and Numerical Ability,
  • General Science and Mathematical Aptitude,
  • General Knowledge.

See: INET 2019 June – Indian Navy Entrance Test for Officer Recruitment

Candidates will need to pass in each section to be considered for SSB call up.


Candidates will be called up for SSB interview on the basis of performance in INET (Officers) and their entry preference. To be considered for final Merit List, candidates would need to qualify in SSB and subsequent Medical Examination. Merit List will be drawn up on the basis of marks scored in INET (Officers) and SSB marks. Selected candidates will undergo Basic Training at the Indian Naval Academy.


See: Indian Navy Entrance Exams


Currently, officer candidates are shortlisted for interviews by Services Selection Board (SSB) on the basis of marks scored in graduation (or post-graduation for certain entries). Henceforth, shortlisting for SSB will be taken on the basis of marks scored in INET (Officers).


See: Indian Navy BTech Entry Scheme